Since the founding of Scoria, we aimed to create goods that encourage wellness practices that inspire creativity and self expression no matter the age. We believe that expression through play can empower humans by discovering new perspectives, improving the retention of information in education, improving long term happiness, boosting creativity, and assisting navigate difficult life situations.
We are thrilled to announce that we have moved our giving impact to support life-skills and healthy living education for Indigenous youth in Canada all while using play-based education tools in partnership with Right To Play. With every purchase, we are donating a portion of proceeds to Right To Play's Promoting Life-Skills In Aboriginal Youth (PLAY) program. We believe in supporting local and Indigenous communities especially youth and the next generation.
For measures like human security, education, and standard of living, Canada is 10th in the world on the 2016 UN Human Development Index. However, due to the on-going effects of colonization and the legacies of residential schools, Canada’s rank falls to 63rd when Indigenous peoples are considered. This drop is reflected in the inequities that Indigenous peoples experience at higher rates than most non-Indigenous Canadians, such as poverty, substandard housing, food insecurity, and barriers to educational and employment opportunities. Indigenous children and youth are especially affected.
The impact of COVID-19 on Indigenous youth has also been significant, leading to increased social isolation and diminished opportunities. As the driving force of their families and communities, we know that this generation of Indigenous children and youth hold the knowledge and potential to defy such disparities and to create positive change. Right To Play PLAY's leaders witnessed children and youth take charge of their lives, and become leaders for their peers and their communities.
Want to learn more?
Visit: Right To Play’s PLAY program
View: 2024 Annual Report Update by Right To Play
For Media: download public announcement here